Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I've had an idea in my head to start a Spanish blog to accompany this one, but the idea only occurred to me post-AntiVirus death, so I haven't really had a chance to do anything about it in the past few weeks. Sure, I could've tried to do something about it from my phone, but making a simple blog post that way is excruciating. How much worse would trying to set up a whole new page be?

Well last night, still on my Google Chrome high, I clicked the necessary links and voila! I set it up exactly like this one because I wanted my pair of blogs to have a sort of continuity, with the main difference being content and language. My new Spanish home even has an equivalent name, Anillos de Hadas.

I've had a minor fascination with the concept of fairy rings since sixth grade. It's not so much about believing in fairies as it is being enamored of the idea of there being a way to step into a new, fantastical experience. If I ever do anything major with my art or writing, that feeling of being pulled into another world is something I want to capture and share.

In the meantime, it's just a fun way of rebelling against normality. Psh! Who wants to fit in?

I'm still not exactly sure what sort of stuff I'll be posting over at the sister blog, but I'm sure I'll think of something. I found a use for my tumblr, didn't I? This blog will definitely remain in a journalistic style. Right now I'm leaning toward using my Spanish blog to think. There are few better ways to get a different perspective than to look at something through an entirely different language and culture.

Listening to: Sidebar interview with Lois van Baarle
Reading: Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal

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